Saturday, November 30, 2013

Unlearning social media marketing techniques

…or at least what used to be the popular ones.

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In the not-so-distant past, social media marketers turned to Facebook for the banner ads. Buying search engine positions was also another common strategy. These were marketing tools that drove hits from Internet users. Hits were the prized currency.

But netizens’ discriminating tastes are ever changing. According to Jim Tobin, President of Ignite Social Media and author of the book Earn It, Don’t Buy It, merely buying social exposure is no longer enough. Brands need to utilize social engagement to bring in the results. 

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In his book, Tobin states that more than 99 percent of users no longer click on banner ads. In fact, there is already an observed waning of interest from Facebook users. People have now gone on to other sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and other applications.

Twitter owned 2012, as the social network welcomed migrants from other platforms. Teenagers contributed most to the microblogging platform’s growth with a representation of 26 percent, up 12 percent from 2011. Facebook is now considered as “old school” as Friendster and Myspace. 

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Sincere engagement means sharing ideas with and among customers. After all, it’s “the principle underlying ‘viral marketing.’” But while engaging customers still costs money, brand loyalty has always been THE top benefit.

John Bohan
is an Internet advertising expert and founder of SocialTyze. Read more updates about the business applications of social media in this LinkedIn account.

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